«Гостиный двор Нехачево»
Republic of Belarus
Brest region,
st. Brest, e. 33
Index 225260
highway P2
Republic of Belarus
Brest region,
st. Brest, e. 33
Index 225260
highway P2
At the border with Poland in Minsk (с Востока на Запад).
На 139 km E30/M1 Entrust straight towards settlements "Nehachevo".
Через 1,4 km turn left on the street Brestskaя,
Photos Inside “Nehachevo” is on the right side of the road through 600 м.
From the border with Poland from Brest (с Запада на Восток).
На 114 km E30/M1 Entrust straight in ukazatelyu "Berezan 'P2.
Держитесь левее на Р 136.
2.4 km towards P2.
Entrusted directly to the P2.
Photos Inside “Nehachevo” is on the left side of the road by 10.3 km.